A Guide for the Adept: Helping others effectively using the SH!PS Approach

by Doug Scott, LCSW

The following is a guide (not “the” guide; not the “best” guide; not the “only” guide) for those who are inspired by the Law of One material and want to put into practice some of the ways of the adept in helping other selves.

I’ve worked as a counselor for 22 years and have developed an approach for such work based upon synthesis of many different sources including the Law of One material, graduate work in theology, graduate work in clinical social work, many trainings, books, and much experience. I call it the SH!PS Approach. The following email exchange is from a friend and member of the Building 4th community.

She states:

Hi Doug,

As we were discussing the SH!PS approach and deeply holding space for another, I was hoping to get your thoughts on how you manage those individuals who are just wanting a receptacle for their life’s dramas as opposed to growing and healing.  I really do love hearing peoples’ journeys and all the components that shaped them into who they have become.  As I mentioned last week, as an empath, I have had to learn to set healthy boundaries which has been a HUGE catalyst for me and definitely feel that that is by design!!  I find this to be a tad challenging because on the one hand, I want to listen and give each person compassion, but I don’t think it’s a good exercise to just have someone complain about the same situations (with different costumes sometimes) over and over and over again.  I’ve had situations where they can see that they need to set boundaries in their lives but then they just outline a slew of reasons why they shouldn’t/can’t/won’t and simply want to get back to the business of complaining. 

What I’ve found is that with this type of person, I end up feeling all of their feelings (of having been disrespected) on their behalf.  I have worked to “clean my house” of disrespectful people by setting boundaries and letting some friendships go, and when I take on the disrespect that others are complaining about, I feel it all over again as if they’ve moved their icky boxes into my newly clean house… so, I’d love your thoughts on managing this type of person and on setting a boundary with someone who just simply wants to complain and that’s their “happy space.”   I certainly don’t find this to be the case with most people, but they do seem to be out there!

One thought on “A Guide for the Adept: Helping others effectively using the SH!PS Approach

  1. hi Doug, thank you for this and thanks to the person you’re communicating with. As I read that, I realized how recently, I am understanding things more on a level of vibration and subsequent neural pathways. I realize we have vibrational experiences of emotions that we have known most of our lives and the neural pathways to go along with them are like addictions. We continually look for things in the outer world to trigger the same vibrational pattern over and over again and through the SHIPS method that you just laid out one can become aware of that and realize we’re not in a place where we really feel happy and joyful in the pattern . It seems the roots source of it all is the need to be seen and known truly in our innocence. Our divine innocence. I like what you said about making choices to opt into different emotions and different levels of vibration closer to ourselves as the articulation of the divine form as me , and a life of creating from that place. Thanks for sharing.


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