Introducing Integral Theory as a Way to Understand Earth’s Third-Density Experience

Doug Esse


An Integral View:

•Belongs in the green-ray seeing, loving, and understanding

•Love at the level of green-ray center is an ability to see more holistically and to incarnate that kind of seeing by acts of loving service.

•An integral seeing is a type of nondual seeing that includes good and clear dualistic seeing.

•Understands that evolution, transformation, development is the very nature of manifestation. 

•This seeing, living, loving which honors the pattern of loss and renewal is symbolized by the Ankh.

Conspiracy bias: Under stress or shame, we are attracted to stories that relieve us, exonerate us, or portray us as innocent victims of malicious conspirators.

Complexity/Simplicity bias: We prefer a simple falsehood to a complex truth.

Confidence bias: I am attracted to confidence, even if it is false. I often prefer the bold lie to the hesitant truth.

Confirmation bias: We judge new ideas based on the ease with which they fit in with and confirm the only standard we have: old ideas, old information, and trusted authorities. As a result, our framing story, belief system, or paradigm excludes whatever doesn’t fit.

Community bias:  It’s almost impossible to see what our community doesn’t, can’t, or won’t see.

Postmodernity (estimated 20% of population) believes there are no universal truths but rather a flat landscape of relativity. It positions itself in opposition to Modernity and Traditionalism because it sees the harm that the other worldviews have caused other humans and the planet. Postmodernity values diversity, creativity, uniqueness, authenticity, intuition, empowerment of the marginalized, self-expression, feelings, imagination, and spirituality without religious doctrine. 

Modernity (estimated 50% of population) emerged from Traditionalism and believes that the autonomous “self-made” individual is central. The greatest values are freedom, independence, success, performance, social recognition, critical thinking, secularism, materialism, comfort, and fun. Critiques Traditionalism’s idea of suffering now to go to heaven later by creating “heaven” now through technology, science, education, and medicine.

Traditionalism (estimated 30% of population) believes that God is separate from this fallen world and we need to follow His laws if we are going to be saved. Life is a spiritual war but choosing the  path of righteousness and religious orthodoxy provides answers on how to live, who to fight, and how to go to heaven. Traditionalism values honesty, decency, sobriety, obedience, discipline, solidarity, conformity, service, dedication, respect for tradition, humility, and self-sacrifice.

Authoritarians: Authoritarians find security and delight in submitting to a powerful leader who promises to protect them from all enemies. Authoritarians value only one thing: winning. And to achieve that singular value, they

portray toughness — even cruelty and violence — with no admission of weakness or failure,

display an unapologetic willingness to break any and every rule to win,

demand absolute loyalty to the leader, offering constant praise and adulation,

sacrifice truthfulness and critical thinking, because the leader alone defines reality,

reward those who submit to him as good people and punish all who don’t as bad people, and

suppress of all dissent.

For all their differences, Traditionalists, Conservatives, Liberals, and Progressives all value the rules and norms of democracy. Authoritarians do not. The rules and norms of authoritarianism trump democracy. Authoritarianism can be defined as a process of centralizing power in an individual, party, or cabal* with four primary tactics:

using fear of a real, exaggerated, or concocted enemy to activate and unify followers behind the leader,

radical division of society, based on absolute loyalty to the regime and hostility to the identified enemy,

gross distortion of or diversion from the truth, so that whatever the leader says is counted as truth,

and suppression of dissent, especially by protestors, opponents, or the press.

Authoritarian leaders do not exist alone. Research by field-pioneer Bob Altemeyer and a wide array of anthropologists and social psychologists suggests that a rather consistent percentage of people across countries (about 33%) have a predisposition to become authoritarian followers. Their brains are more easily activated by anxiety, anger, or other strong emotions to willingly submit to an authoritarian leader, deriving great pleasure from that submission and the belonging it conveys.

•Existed a pure path, a pure religion, and pure people but this got distorted and diluted

•Perennial Philosophy

•Constant search for the Real and unreal– only the metaphysical and esoteric is real

•Julius Evola (Hitler didn’t go far enough and was mistaken.. Too modernist)

•Neo-Traditionalists with power: Steve Bannon (influenced Trump),  Aleksandr Dugin (Putin), Olavo de Carvalho (Jair Bolsonaro), Viktor Orbán [Hungary], Nayib Bukele [El Salvador], Iran, Syria

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