Tag: Christianity after disclosure

A Letter to a Catholic Priest about the Future of Christianity: The Law of One as the Perennial Philosophy

Article by Doug Esse The following is taken from an email exchange I had with a Catholic priest about the future of Christianity. I speak about ET, reincarnation, and inner planes work as being normal phenomena for a future Christianity. This email is redacted to make sense to the reader. ________________ I would see myself … Continue reading A Letter to a Catholic Priest about the Future of Christianity: The Law of One as the Perennial Philosophy

Cosmic Christ: Christianity and the Law of One

Article by Doug Esse Abstract: This long article attempts to bridge the "apparent" gap between the metaphysics of Christianity and the Law of One material. For this author, the Law of One material is the clearest presentation of the Perennial Philosophy which undergirds all of the world's major religions.  Through the Jesus Event, the fullness … Continue reading Cosmic Christ: Christianity and the Law of One

A Radical Intimacy: How the Law of One and Mystical Christianity Are the Same

I dedicate this article to Leon Isaac Kennedy, a Christ for others. —D.E. —————— The word "radical" means "roots" in Latin.  This is important because the Christian message is saying that at the root of it all, the experience of union with the Infinite Creator is felt as a rooted intimacy with everything and everyone. … Continue reading A Radical Intimacy: How the Law of One and Mystical Christianity Are the Same

Christianity and the Law of One: The Jesus Event

Article by Doug Esse Abstract: This long article attempts to bridge the "apparent" gap between the metaphysics of Christianity and the Law of One material. For this author, the Law of One material is the clearest presentation of the Perennial Philosophy which undergirds all of the world's major religions.  Through the Jesus Event, the fullness … Continue reading Christianity and the Law of One: The Jesus Event

The Universe is Love: Rohr and the Law of One

Source: https://cac.org/the-universe-is-love-2018-02-22/ Creation: Week 2 The Universe Is Love Thursday, February 22, 2018 The future can exist only when we understand the universe as composed of subjects to be communed with, not as objects to be exploited. —Thomas Berry [1] [Doug: The Service to Others Path, or the Positive Path, as illumined in the Law of … Continue reading The Universe is Love: Rohr and the Law of One

Reframing Our Cosmology: Rohr and Law of One

Source: https://cac.org/reframing-our-cosmology-2018-02-20/ Doug (author of this blog): Most Christians throughout the world have quite a limited view of Cosmology.  That is going to HAVE to change when disclosure hits.  Richard Rohr, OFM and others are leaders in helping Christians understand our cosmos with a new and broader seeing. I provide comments from the Law of One … Continue reading Reframing Our Cosmology: Rohr and Law of One

Creation is the Body of God: Rohr and Law of One

Source: https://cac.org/creation-is-the-body-of-god-2018-02-19/ For Christians, disclosure about the existence of alien life, may well shake their belief systems to the core.  That is because their belief systems are way too narrow.  If Truth is Truth, it should be found in all places and wise discernment can lead us to uncover the Truth even if it is … Continue reading Creation is the Body of God: Rohr and Law of One

A Life of Thanksgiving: Living the Law of One In Daily Life

While the origins of the holidays in the United States may be clouded in mixed polarity, we humans as Co-Creators, have the ability to make straight the path through creation of positive thoughtforms.  During this holiday season, and throughout the year, we can decide through our intention to make everyday, indeed, holy.  Instead of falling … Continue reading A Life of Thanksgiving: Living the Law of One In Daily Life

Discerning Healthy, Mature Religion that Reconnects to the One Spiritual Path

There is only one path, one way that all beings go through.  The simplicity of the concept is liberating although the path itself is complex.  That spiritual path, the one that must be treaded by all in order to return to Source is this: the basic activation and balancing of the seven energy centers.  That's … Continue reading Discerning Healthy, Mature Religion that Reconnects to the One Spiritual Path

Saint Paul, The Body of Christ, and Earth’s Social Memory Complex

Richard Rohr, OFM, shares in his daily reflection today (5/21/2017) speaks about how the "law" cannot lead to transformation.  He writes: Law is a necessary stage, but if we stay there, Paul believes, it actually becomes a major obstacle to transformation into love and mercy. Law often frustrates the process of transformation by becoming an … Continue reading Saint Paul, The Body of Christ, and Earth’s Social Memory Complex