Tag: energy centers

(audio & images) Energy Centers, Law of One material reflection, parts 1 and 2

(audio & images) Energy Centers, Law of One material reflection, parts 1 and 2

Presentation by Demarcus Tucker Audio: https://feed.podbean.com/building4thpodcast/feed.xml https://building4thpodcast.podbean.com/e/unveiling-the-chakras-balancing-your-energy-centers/ Demarcus Tucker, Building 4th community member, leads an enlightening episode discussion we delve into the fascinating world of energy centers, or chakras, and explore how they influence our daily lives.  We start with an overview of the seven energy centers, discussing their electromagnetic and metaphysical characteristics. Learn about … Continue reading (audio & images) Energy Centers, Law of One material reflection, parts 1 and 2