Tag: Gospel of Thomas

Blessed Is the Lion Which the Human Eats: A Reflection of Evil and Sin from a Law of One and Christian Perspective

Article by Doug Esse The following is from a dialog I had with a friend regarding the Gospel of Thomas, Logion 7, and the tarot card from the Law of One that touches upon its theme. This dialog then led into who the devil or Satan might represent. I offered insights that I wanted to … Continue reading Blessed Is the Lion Which the Human Eats: A Reflection of Evil and Sin from a Law of One and Christian Perspective

Gospel of Thomas with Doug and Noa: Logion 34

Logion 34: Yeshua says... If the blind are leading the blind, they will topple together into a pit. ___________ Noa: This one is pretty straight forward.  If you can’t see, you don’t know. Also the visual of a bunch of people falling into a pit is a call to action for me.  If I see a … Continue reading Gospel of Thomas with Doug and Noa: Logion 34

Gospel of Thomas with Doug and Noa: Logion 28

Logion 28: Jesus said, “I took my place in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. I found all of them intoxicated; I found none of them thirsty. And my soul became afflicted for the sons of men, because they are blind in their hearts and do not have sight; … Continue reading Gospel of Thomas with Doug and Noa: Logion 28

Gospel of Thomas with Doug and Noa: Logion 27

Logion 27: <Jesus> said: If you do not fast to the world, you will not find the kingdom; if you do not keep the Sabbath as Sabbath, you will not see the Father. ___________ Noa: fast to the world may be a reference to finding stillness, quiet, meditation, etc.  It is helpful to meditate in … Continue reading Gospel of Thomas with Doug and Noa: Logion 27

Gospel of Thomas with Doug and Noa: Logion 25

Logion 25: Jesus said: Love your brother as your soul; watch over him like the apple of your eye. _______________ Noa:  Brother: The language back then probably needed to be a little sexist for people to be able to hear it.  So, could be a few things, I think: Literal siblings or soul siblings. Back … Continue reading Gospel of Thomas with Doug and Noa: Logion 25

Gospel of Thomas with Doug and Noa: Logion 23

Logion 23:  Jesus said: I shall choose you, one out of a thousand and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one. __________________ Noa:  two as a single one is here again.  unity, kenosis. But also, it seems like “they shall” is referring to the one and two thousand not … Continue reading Gospel of Thomas with Doug and Noa: Logion 23

Gospel of Thomas with Doug and Noa: Logion 22

Logion 22:  Jesus saw some infants who were being suckled. He said to his disciples: These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom. They said to him: If we then become children, shall we enter the kingdom? Jesus said to them: When you make the two one, and when you make the … Continue reading Gospel of Thomas with Doug and Noa: Logion 22